For Clinicians  |  Therapies & Treatments  |  Brachytherapy

Trusted Brachytherapy Seeds and Solutions

Sourced and Manufactured in North America

Theragenics partners with physicians, healthcare providers, and medical associations to deliver effective cancer treatments to patients worldwide. Our brachytherapy portfolio includes the industry leading TheraSeed® Palladium-103 seed and AgX100® Iodine-125 seed, both sourced and manufactured within North America.

As a brachytherapy pioneer, Theragenics is known for delivering quality seeds, strands, pre-loaded needles, and carriers, all with personalized service. And because we’re committed to providing effective, minimally invasive treatment options with minimal side effects, we continue to invest in this space.

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Backed by Theragenics trusted quality and expertise and supported by more than 35 years of clinical use, TheraSeed® PD-103 is globally recognized as the industry standard for Palladium seed technology.

  • Unrivaled clinical experience
  • Trusted quality
  • Exclusive design

When you need a safe, effective LDR brachytherapy treatment backed by decades of clinical experience, Iodine-125 brachytherapy seeds deliver. Designed after the industry benchmark Iodine-125 seed, AgX100® facilitates delivery of radiation directly to the tumor site while minimizing exposure to healthy tissue.

  • Based on industry standard
  • Time-tested clinical experience
  • Unparalleled quality