Patients and Care Givers | Types of Cancer | Prostate
Prostate Cancer
Other than skin cancer, prostate cancer is the most common cancer in American men. In fact, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.1,2 While this information isn’t new, many men are unaware of the importance of regular prostate screenings.
Guys don’t talk about this stuff like how women talk about breast cancer. This needs to be brought out. Some guys need to know that it’s out there.
David Mitchell
After the shock of diagnosis, for many patients and families, comes a sense of urgency to start treatment right away, but seeking treatment immediately is not always the best choice.

Patients and Care Givers | Types of Cancer | Prostate
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men, in fact, one in eight men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime.1,2 While this information isn’t new, many men are unaware of the importance of regular prostate screenings.
Guys don’t talk about this stuff like how women talk about breast cancer. This needs to be brought out. Some guys need to know that it’s out there.
David Mitchell

Guys don’t talk about this stuff like how women talk about breast cancer. This needs to be brought out. Some guys need to know that it’s out there.
David Mitchell
Survival rate
Guys don’t talk about this stuff like how women talk about breast cancer. This needs to be brought out. Some guys need to know that it’s out there.
David Mitchell
After the shock of diagnosis, for many patients and families, comes a sense of urgency to start treatment right away, but seeking treatment immediately is not always the best choice.
It is important to take time to learn more about prostate cancer and consider the available treatment options or gather a second opinion before you decide.
What is Prostate Cancer
Find out more about the prostate and how cancers form
Talk to a Physician
Take time to learn and consider the available treatment options or gather a second opinion before you decide
Risk Factors & Symptoms
Find out about the risk factors that put men at risk of developing prostate cancer
Screening & Diagnosis
What's involved and why it's important to get screened often
Treatment Options
Find out about some of the treatment options that may be available to you
What is Prostate Seed Brachytherapy
What are the benefits, who performs it, and what is involved
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1 in 8 Men
Will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in his lifetime